Answers to your most common questions.
What does it cost to attend?
The conference is FREE! There is no cost to attend.
Are there clock hour fees?
There are no fees for clock hours. Clock hours are provided by the Arizona Department of Education.
How many clock hours can I earn?
You can earn up to 3.5 clock hours by attending the entire conference.
How do I register for clock hours?
Visit the Clock Hours page for complete instructions.
How do I join the conference?
We will post links to the Zoom rooms for each session on this website. Click on the links via a laptop or desktop computer to join.
I will be late or I will have to log off early. How do I learn about the content in the sessions I missed?
All sessions will be recorded and made available following the conference. You will be able to access the recordings from the Sessions page.
Do I have to be a teacher?
Not a teacher? That's okay! Please register anyway.
We're in the process of updating our registration system to better reflect all potential attendees. In the meantime you can register as if you are a teacher and when asked specific school affiliation, choose "homeschool". Registering this way ensures you will receive any conference announcements and reminders.
Thanks for your patience as we grow our system!