California Council for Social Studies & OER Project Social Studies Teacher Professional Learning Series 

The California Council for Social Studies leadership and OER Project believe that teachers are the key to providing students with the skills and knowledge necessary to lead our country into the future. In that spirit, we are collaborating to provide a series of workshops for teachers looking to add a few new tools to their toolbox. Developing students’ skills in any social studies classroom is imperative for understanding the content. These sessions will dive deep into a particular skill and leave you with ideas and tools that can be implemented immediately in your classroom.  OER Project team members will work with the CCSS to design each session with your needs in mind. We are excited to begin this partnership and look forward to learning together throughout the school year.  

Comparison is the Highest Form of Flattery
August 10, 20224 to 5:30 p.m. PT

Comparison is a skill that students learn from a very young age, but comparing historical events and processes is far more complicated than comparing apples and oranges. Throughout history comparison has challenged leaders, complex societies, and individuals. Helping students understand the historical thinking practice of comparison will help them grapple with various historical events. Being able to describe, compare, and contrast events in the same era or across periods is vital to a student’s greater understanding of history. Do not miss out on your chance to learn a few techniques for engaging in activities that will support your students’ acquisition of this skill.


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