OC for SS After Party // Arguments with Evidence Live Discussion // 08-03-2021

Helping students strengthen their arguments by providing supporting evidence has never been more important. What ideas resonated with you as you listened to this discussion? How are you going to implement the lessons learned in your classroom this year? 

Let’s carry on the conversation, with evidence included (of course), in the comments below! 


Top Replies

  • Exploring MindMup convinced me I have to use it in the classroom.  Already shared it with my social studies team.  This is a great tool!  Easily added it to my Google apps.

  • The idea of practicing “intellectual charity” really resonated with me. I would like to incorporate the explicit practice of giving people the benefit of the doubt and restate their argument in a way that…

  • I'm so glad you guys found this session valuable! I really enjoyed it. I have to run right now, but I would be thrilled to discuss MindMup, Intellectual Charity, or anything else related to arguments,…

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