OC for SS After Party // Designing Inquiry Live Discussion // 08-04-2021

We hope you all enjoyed the Designing Inquiry Live Discussion! How can you take what you learned during the session and apply it in your classroom? Post your thoughts and questions in the comments below. Inquiring minds want to know Blush 

Top Replies

  • Hello everyone! Links to things I mentioned are here:

    Peter Sexias - the Big Six historical concepts are: Historical significance, evidence, continuity and change, cause and consequence, historical perspectives…

  • I am reminded that inquiry is an important way to engage students and create opportunities for awe, curiosity, and the desire to know things. I never thought about it as a way to develop the skill of skepticism…

  • I truly enjoyed this session!  What sources would you all as educators point a new teacher, such as myself, towards for planning great inquiries for inquiry-based social studies lessons?

  • Hello everyone! Links to things I mentioned are here:

    Peter Sexias - the Big Six historical concepts are: Historical significance, evidence, continuity and change, cause and consequence, historical perspectives and the ethical dimension

    The role play activities I mentioned can be found here (I mentioned the Je Suis le Roi in the talk): http://www.thinkinghistory.co.uk/ActivityKS/ActivityKS3All.html#p1066 

    Hans J Massquoi image: 

    Helpful stems for possible enquiry questions by historical concepts. We are not very good at ethical questions as they are not necessarily seen as important for history teaching in England(!) so none are presented below:

    Helpful question stems for Enquiries


    • Why did X happen?
    • How far was X responsible for Y?
    • Was as X so successful?
    • Why did X do Y?
    • Why did X happen in Year Y?
    • If it had not been for X, would Y still have happened?

    Similarity and Difference

    • Who was affected by / benefitted from X?
    • Who were the Group X?
    • How similar/different were the experiences of X and Y?
    • Who took part in Event X?
    • Who really wanted X to happen?
    • Where was X happening?
    • Who was affected by X?

    Change and Continuity

    • How did X change during Period Y?
    • What was new about Development X?
    • How big a change was X?
    • What kind of change was X?
    • What kind of change did X bring to people’s lives?
    • Did X change anything?
    • Did X really change over period Y?

    Historical Evidence

    • Why is it so hard to find out about X?
    • How do we know about X?
    • What can we learn about X from Source Y?
    • What kinds of sources tell us most about X?
    • Why is it hard to decide if Period X was like Description Y?
    • What can Sources X reveal about Period Y?
    • In what different ways can we interrogate different types of sources from Period Y?
    • How useful / reliable are Sources X for finding an answer to Question Y?

    Historical Interpretations

    • Why are there still so many interpretations about X?
    • How did X become a hero/villain?
    • Why do views on X keep changing?
    • What can we learn about Period X by studying the interpretations they created?
    • Why can’t historians agree about X?
    • Why do interpretations of X keep changing?
    • How did we get the interpretation that…?
    • How does Historian X let us know what they think about Y?
    • Does Historian X or Historian Y give the most convincing view of…

    Historical Significance

    • Why do people still remember X?
    • What made X so special?
    • Why is X so historically significant?
    • Which group during Period X get judged as significant and why?
  • I'm sorry to have missed this session yesterday and look forward to watching the recording. These are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them. We are just getting started with designing standards based inquiries, so these inquiry stems will help scaffold our thinking as we continue to develop inquiries. We're using the Inquiry Design Model (IDM) by Lee, Grant, and Swan to structure our inquiries, which is extremely helpful.

  •  great to hear and I really like the Inquiry Design Model. As I said in the discussion, I think it works incredibly well when you use a particular form of historical thinking as the framework. I also can't take credit for the stems - they are the work of one of my colleagues at the Schools History Project, Alex Ford. He uses them when training teachers at the start of their career and he was kind enough to give me permission to share them. Really pleased that you will be using them!

  •  great to hear and I really like the Inquiry Design Model. As I said in the discussion, I think it works incredibly well when you use a particular form of historical thinking as the framework. I also can't take credit for the stems - they are the work of one of my colleagues at the Schools History Project, Alex Ford. He uses them when training teachers at the start of their career and he was kind enough to give me permission to share them. Really pleased that you will be using them!

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