This approach to Classroom climate is tops!

Crissy Calera
Grade 6 Humanities Teacher
Abu Dubai

 I have been teaching since 1994 and have been intentional about classroom climate that entire time, however the ideas that you encapsulate in ACEs really get at the heart of what most teachers are trying to achieve.  I want to make sure that new teachers see this.  Also, while you teach 6th grade, this feels right for high school as well.  I wonder (see what I did there) if people in this community have examples of how the do each of these elements of the classroom.  

Top Replies

  • What a great use of KWL charts! I love the idea of making the connection between past and present in this way.  This last year for our district focused on a year of purpose, The intention was to highlights…

  • Great share. This really has me thinking. I teach 9th (Big History Project) and 10th grade (World History Project) and  's approach has a lot more intentionality to it compared to how I…

  • I also teach 6th grade, and I love how you connect ancient history to students' daily lives.  I'd love to hear more about your lesson on stone-age technology and Apple.

  • What a great use of KWL charts! I love the idea of making the connection between past and present in this way.  This last year for our district focused on a year of purpose, The intention was to highlights contributions and issues in Black America. I struggled to talk about police brutality and the tenants of Black Lives Matter while also staying true to my plans with Big History. I partnered with my co-teachers in ELA and did book clubs with books like, Brown Girl Dreaming and Ghost Boys. It was really awesome but I love this idea of it coming up more organically within our curriculum. I wonder how easy it is for students to make those connections on their own and how much of this would be guided. Thanks for the share!

  • What a great use of KWL charts! I love the idea of making the connection between past and present in this way.  This last year for our district focused on a year of purpose, The intention was to highlights contributions and issues in Black America. I struggled to talk about police brutality and the tenants of Black Lives Matter while also staying true to my plans with Big History. I partnered with my co-teachers in ELA and did book clubs with books like, Brown Girl Dreaming and Ghost Boys. It was really awesome but I love this idea of it coming up more organically within our curriculum. I wonder how easy it is for students to make those connections on their own and how much of this would be guided. Thanks for the share!

  • Thank you!  I would say it's quite easy for some students to come up with those connections on their own, depending on how aware they are of what's happening in the world, which is why that's such a focus for me.  Once my students have that awareness, though, they make the connections so quickly!  I'm always so impressed at how their brains work.