Comparison is the Highest Form of Flattery

About OER Project Skills Clinics

OER Project Skills Clinics are collaborative sessions for teachers looking for a deeper dive into a particular skill. Let the learning experts at OER Project guide you through concepts and tools that you’ll be ready to use in your classroom right away.

Each session will be impactful as a standalone, but we also encourage you to follow the Skills Clinic series throughout the year. The insights from these sessions will build on one another, providing you with a complete and intensive professional development experience!

Session 3: Comparison is the Highest Form of Flattery – November 15, 2022, 3 to 4:30 p.m. PT

Comparison is a skill that students learn from a very young age, but comparing historical events and processes is far more complicated than comparing apples and oranges. Throughout history comparison has challenged leaders, complex societies, and individuals. Helping students understand the historical thinking practice of comparison will help them grapple with various historical events. Being able to describe, compare, and contrast events in the same era or across periods is vital to a student’s greater understanding of history. Do not miss out on your chance to learn a few techniques for engaging in activities that will support your students’ acquisition of this skill. 


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