A couple of years ago, I started doing a Scale Menu choice board as a way to introduce and teach scale, but with an element of choice. Many teachers on here inspired the ideas, and one in particular that has become a popular choice is a scale drawing. This was Hajra Saeed idea. I wanted to share some of the results from this year. Interestingly, there were a lot of candy drawings. Unsurprisingly, there were Taylor Swift bracelets and a Stanley Cup.
The directions are "Pick an object. Draw the object from 3 different scale levels. (See examples below.) Write a 2-3 sentence caption next to each level of zoom, explaining why it is important to examine that image at that level of zoom." I also tell them they must draw by hand.
While I think some of the descriptions could be a bit more detailed, what I did observe is that this activity really got students to think about part-to-whole relationships and to consider what makes up an object. Bonus - they also have a lot of fun seeing what other classmates choose to draw. Enjoy checking them out, and I'm curious to hear what others think. Does this seem like something you could use in your classroom?