Hi All,
How are you addressing the recent vote by geologists to not adopt the term Anthropocene?
Hi All,
How are you addressing the recent vote by geologists to not adopt the term Anthropocene?
Tracey Hall I covered the topic today without knowing about the recent decision from the Union of Geological Science. We discussed the video and activity How long will human impacts last? which states that for the first time man-made materials will appear in the geological record (plutonium and plastic, among others). Then we analyzed Nuclear Weapons Data Introduction.
As Kathy Hays commented, I would like to hear what my students think about this decision and ask them to use evidence to support their claim. Like other teachers posted here, I will also continue calling it the Anthropocene, but with the acknowledgment of this recent development.
In two of the articles I read they mentioned that we could see the Anthropocene as an event. I thought that was helpful since I include some assignments from BHP titled Anthropocene
I agree with you, Tracey Hall This is compelling evidence that the Anthropocene has a geologic imprint.
I agree with you, Tracey Hall This is compelling evidence that the Anthropocene has a geologic imprint.