If your answer is yes that you do use some sort of reward system:
How do you structure it?
What do you use for 'prizes'?
How do you fund it?
Is your system only for your classroom, or do you have something school-wide?
If your answer is yes that you do use some sort of reward system:
How do you structure it?
What do you use for 'prizes'?
How do you fund it?
Is your system only for your classroom, or do you have something school-wide?
I just give kids stuff off my desk. Literally. I've used NJEA calendars, old lesson plans, receipts from the grocery store, band aids from the Bush administration, my school picture, anything I can find.
I mean, I think you have to have a "special" relationship with kids to pull this off but it works for me. I've found as long as you give kids some option to choose, they have fun with it.
Priceless! From what I have learned about your personality and teaching style over the years, I bet this is a treasured event!
How about the rest of you? I have had some good ideas (what I think are good) but my teaching colleagues have not been warm to them.
I need more options!