BHP Lesson 20: Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection

Life first appeared on Earth about 3.8 billion years ago. How is it possible for scientists to know about the history of life? What methods do they use to study life and the ways it has evolved over time? Today, we’ll take a closer look at the pioneer of life history—Charles Darwin.

Driving Question: How did Darwin arrive at his theory of natural selection?

  • Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “survival of the fittest.” What does it mean? Charles Darwin was just 22 years old when he set sail on a voyage around South America on an expedition that led to the development of his theory of evolution by natural selection. We can’t observe evolution in action because it happens so slowly. So, how did Darwin do it? What did he observe?

Word of the Day: Natural Selection

  • Definition: A process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment.
  • The behavior of animals is modified and adapted through natural selection to suit their lifestyle. On his voyage to the Galapagos, Darwin observed that the beak sizes and shapes of finches were adapted to the kind of food they ate: small seeds, large seeds, fruits, or insects. These adaptations were essential to their survival!


  • Go to Khan Academy and do the activity The Voyage of the Beagle.
  • Charles Darwin’s work was critical to the development of evolutionary thinking, and his claims about how species change over time were fueled by his experiences on a research ship called the HMS Beagle. You’ll interpret images and maps of Darwin’s journey to better understand how he arrived at his theory of natural selection.

Historian’s Journal Prompt

  • How is the coronavirus mutating?

We know that COVID-19 is a resilient virus. It’s already mutated a few times since its origin. We’ve also learned that it can spread to other species, like the big cats in the Bronx Zoo. In your previous journals, you researched the origin of the virus. What long term adaptations has the virus made? How do you think it will adapt in the future? Go research how the virus has changed to adapt to its new environments and hosts. 
