C3 Inquiry Design Model

I like the idea of using the IDM in my classroom, but does anyone know of a good place to learn how to pull it off successfully? I've had trouble wokring it into my classes in a reasonable amount of time before.  thanks


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  • Thanks for the tag, Rikki! I promise to write more later, but take a look at this document   to help you visualize the IDM model - to get your brain thinking about it. It's actually a completed model of the sheet that Elleni references in her presentation. I'll be back later with some more information! As you might predict, OER Project courses naturally lend themselves to the IDM model.

  • Thanks! I was referencing a template that the speaker held up in the video. Now I'm trying to remeber where and what video it was, there is so much wonderful content here, just spending the time to find where everythign is. Wondering if there is one consolidated folder or hyperlink document that guides you to all the supporting documents for each course. I'm inding myself on a bit of a scavenger hunt for each piece.

    With gratitude.

  • Hi Karen - 

    Unfortunately, I don't think there is a repository for all of the resources, links, etc. shared in the Track Talks. But what a wonderful idea! 

    Let's see if I can help you out with your original question about the IDM template.

    Here's a screenshot of the IDM template Elleni is holding up.

    This (blank) template is linked here.

    The website she is referring to is the IDM website from C3.


    Does this help you out?

  • Wow! You folks are absolutely amazing,  thanks!!!!!

  • I think the best way to do IDM in your classroom is to just jump in and try it. It's difficult (mostly in the time it takes to design and curate) to do correctly, but also really hard to mess it up. (If that makes sense.)

    IDM works best at a Unit level.

    Let's do an example for WHP Origins Era 2.

    • Compelling Question (always just one):
      • To what extent was foraging or farming more desirable for early humans? Compelling questions address issues found in and across the academic disciplines that make up social studies. Compelling questions reflect the interests of students and the curriculum and
        content with which students might have little experience.
    • Standards and Objectives (might be more than one - and might connect to state standards):
      • Evaluate why some human communities did not begin farming and how foragers, pastoralists, and farmers interacted.
      • Create and support arguments using historical evidence for why many early human communities made the switch from foraging to farming.
    • Staging the Question: Was farming a good idea? Staging the question activities introduce students to the ideas behind the compelling question in order to generate curiosity in the topic.
    • Supporting Questions (3 or 4): Supporting questions are intended to contribute knowledge and insights to the inquiry behind a compelling question. Supporting questions focus on descriptions, definitions, and processes about which there is general agreement within the social studies disciplines, which will assist students to construct explanations that advance the inquiry. Typically, there are 3-4 supporting questions that help to scaffold the compelling question.
      • What caused some humans to shift from foraging to farming and what were the effects of this change?
      • In what ways were farming cultures similar to each other despite differences in the environments in which they lived?
      • Which way of living do you think was more desirable, foraging or farming—and why?
    • Formative Performance Task (2-3): Formative Performance Tasks are activities designed to help students practice the skills and acquire the content needed to perform well on the summative task. These tasks are built around the supporting questions and are intended to grow in sophistication across the tasks. The performance tasks threaded throughout the inquiry provide teachers multiple opportunities to evaluate what students know and are able to do so that teachers have a steady loop of data to inform his/her instructional decision-making.
      • Nearly all of the WHP Era 2 activities can be turned into a formative performance task. 
    • Featured Sources (3+): Each Formative Performance Task should have 1-3 disciplinary sources to help students build their understandings of the compelling and supporting questions and to practice the work of historians and social scientists. To that end, sources can be used toward three distinct, but mutually reinforcing purposes: a) to generate students’ curiosity and interest in the topic, b) to build students’ content knowledge, and c) to help students construct and support their arguments related to a
      compelling question.
      • Take a look at the articles and videos and activities in Era 2. Any of these could be featured sources. 
    • Summative Performance Task: Each inquiry ends with students constructing an argument (e.g., detailed outline, drawing, essay) that addresses the compelling question using specific claims and
      relevant evidence from sources while acknowledging competing views.
      • LEQs
      • DBQs
      • Other creative projects - sky is the limit here - use your teacher magic!