OC for SS After Party // Literacy Live Discussion // 08-03-2022

Literacy crosses all disciplines, which is why incorporating a variety of strategies and diverse content is essential to student success in the classroom.

As you listened to the Literacy Live Discussion what resonated with you? Write your responses in the comments below. Let’s keep the conversation going! 

Top Replies

  • Loved this session! Literacy is really about expressing and understanding what is expressed. Practice, practice, practice - low stakes/no stakes writing. Produce because their words/work matters. 

  • "Have your students write more than you can grade." Thank you - this lifts a huge weight off my shoulders.

    + Δ: Choose one to focus on improving.

    Producing : because my words matter.

  • Aside from Social Studies, I also teach Spanish and the idea of practice, practice, practice as an integral part of the learning process resonates with me. Practicing SKILLS and valuing them over content…

  • Aside from Social Studies, I also teach Spanish and the idea of practice, practice, practice as an integral part of the learning process resonates with me. Practicing SKILLS and valuing them over content is crucial in both subject areas, especially in no/low stakes environment where it is ok to take risks, feedback is necessary for growth (and does not produce shame), and affords us some way to make meaning and express ourselves in some way to share our learning. In order to help make it a place where it's ok to make mistakes, having those routines and tools to lean on is important. In the end, it comes back to community once again: I'm learning to consume, produce, and communicate because my words and ideas matter in my community, AND I have the power to make change.

  •  , I couldn't agree with you more. So well said!

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